Tag: Kootenays

Where the Locals Ride: The West Kootenay Bike and Craft Beer Scene

West Kootenay Mountain Biking: Classic singletrack. Old-school downhill. Post-ride craft beer. When talking bikes and beer, does anywhere in particular come to mind? Worldwide, there are few places that fit the description like the region around Nelson, in the West Kootenay area of British Columbia.  If true downhill biking and local craft beer are the … Continued

Raise a Glass to Kootenay Rockies Beer Festivals

Two craft beer festivals have popped up in the heart of the Kootenay Rockies — and they’re both on this weekend. Fresh beer and fresh Rocky Mountain air — that’s got to be more than enough to rally your dad for a Father’s Day road trip this weekend. Hot spot, cool beer The East Kootenay Beer Festival takes … Continued

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