Author: Noëlle Phillips

Savouring and Sipping: Beer & Food Pairing Events

We’re used to wine pairings with dinner — but what about beer pairings? If the international success of books such as Garrett Oliver’s The Brewmaster’s Table is anything to go by, it seems that many people appreciate beer as a drink equal to wine when it comes to complementing the food we eat. In fact, … Continued

The Afterlife of the Horseshoe Bay Brewery

The birth of craft beer in Canada took place on July 6, 1982 in Horseshoe Bay, BC. As we celebrate that anniversary this month, our intrepid investigator Noëlle Phillips has unearthed an interesting tale of the legacy of brewing in Horseshoe Bay. John Mitchell was well known in BC beer circles for not only his … Continued

Beer Books for your Summer Reading List

Craft beer has certainly developed and changed since it first became a “thing” back in the late 70s and early 80s – and it has stories to tell. Sitting down with friends and flights is a pleasure not just because of the delicious beverages, but because sharing food and drink encourages other kinds of sharing … Continued

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